Allysa Czerwinsky

Allysa is a President’s Doctoral Scholar and current PhD candidate in Criminology at the University of Manchester. Over the course of her career, she’s focused the bulk of her research into understanding misogynist incels and the insights gleaned from their discussions online. At present, her work assesses user narratives posted across three forums for self-identified incels, with the aim of uncovering how these stories help legitimise instances of identity-based harm and provide insight into pathways in and out of misogynist inceldom. She takes an intersectional feminist and critical criminological approach to her work, centring the subjectivities of those involved in male supremacist spaces and highlighting the intersectional harms caused by misogynist and male supremacist communication in the online arena. More broadly, Allysa’s research interests centre on the complex interplays between technology, harm, and violence; identity-based harm; and ethical approaches to conducting research in public-facing online spaces.