Aminou Laouali

Born in Niger (West Africa), I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Letters and Philosophy from Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey. One of the key players in the democratization process in Niger, I was General Rapporteur of the Political Commission of the National Sovereign Conference, responsible for defining the public authorities during the period of political Transition and setting the main guidelines to guide the drafting of the Constitution of the 3rd Republic.

Intern journalist at the Multi-Media Communication Group ANFANI in 1992, professional journalist at the independent weekly TRIBUNE DU PEUPLE, then at the private weekly ALTERNATIVE between 1993-1998, I was Director of Publication and Head of the “Political Analysis” Desk of the independent Nigerien weekly PERSPECTIVE 1998-2000, then founding member of the Independent Center for Media and Ethics (CIMED).

Expert in Project Planning and Management, I served from August 9, 2009 to October 30, 2016, as Program Manager for Religious Affairs, Community Development Advisor, Country Program Manager, then Country Director of the USAID Peace Through Development Program (USAID PDev), one of the key-tools of the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership (TSCTP) of US Department. Since November 2016, I’m the National Coordinator of NGO SOS-Civisme-Niger, an organization dedicated to citizenship education, culture of peace and strengthening of democracy.