Dr Michael Papa

Michael is a Professor in the College of the Arts and Media at Central Michigan University, and the Founding Director of the Social Media Research and Analytics Lab (SMRAL) at the same institution. He also serves as a consultant to the Conflict Resolution Program of The Carter Center. His published work has focused on organizing for social change and development, peace negotiations, and peacebuilding by NGOs. Among his projects have been studies of the micro-loan programs of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, women’s empowerment through participation in dairy cooperatives in India, promoting community harmony through entertainment-education in India, HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Thailand, and the peace negotiation and peace building activities of the Carter Center in Sudan and Uganda. Dr. Papa has also examined the conflict in Darfur since 2003 by taking a social constructionist perspective highlighting the roles of climate change, race, and gender in the perpetuation of violence. His current projects include studies of the Women’s Alliance for Peace in Darfur, and Syrian and Afghani asylum seekers in Sweden.