Official Narratives, Protracted Conflicts: The Use of Language and Its Interpretation in Peacebuilding

Official Narratives, Protracted Conflicts: The Use of Language and Its Interpretation in Peacebuilding

Official Narratives, Protracted Conflicts: The Use of Language and Its Interpretation in Peacebuilding – A Little Survey on the Case of Cyprus by Hakan Karahasan (hakan.karahasan@neu.edu.tr)  Can one argue that conflict occurs because there is contact between groups but no understanding? To put it differently, that conflicts take place because of misunderstandings? Can one argue that Covid-19 is influencing peacebuilding negatively because people have less physical contact with each other...

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Developing the Media Sector in Peacebuilding Contexts

Developing the Media Sector in Peacebuilding Contexts

Developing the Media Sector in Peacebuilding Contexts By Fabíola Ortiz dos Santos (Doctoral Program MEDAS21, Duisburg-Essen University) The role of media in peacebuilding environments is critical, yet difficult to put in practice and to be coordinated. How could journalists and media houses they work for be better equipped to report in a way that enhances the prospects of peacebuilding? Media can play a constructive and proactive role in peacebuilding with its ability to direct public...

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19 Jan: HCPB’s event on ‘ICTs, social media and peacebuilding’

19 Jan: HCPB’s event on ‘ICTs, social media and peacebuilding’

HCPB’s event on ‘ICTs, social media and peacebuilding’ – Jan 19th 5-7pm UK time! We are very pleased to announce our first event of the year! On 19 January from 5-7pm we will be focusing on the role that social media and ICTs can play in peacebuilding! We have an exciting programme! First, Diana Dajer will give a presentation entitled: ‘Cracking the Code of Tech for Peace: International Perspectives of Peacetech’. Diana is Director of Colombian Institute of Studies of the Public Ministry,...

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Graphic novels: Drawing on peacebuilding

Graphic novels: Drawing on peacebuilding

Graphic novels: Drawing on peacebuilding By Hannah Baumeister Fair laws and legitimate, accessible, effective legal institutions are crucial to peacebuilding. They define appropriate social behaviour, protect rights, limit power, and hold accountable those who abuse it. Laws and legal institutions provide frameworks and mechanisms for non-violent dispute resolution and address underlying grievances. They prevent the re-emergence of violent conflict, further reconciliation and incentivise...

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Peacebuilding and communication: ‘We Are Many: Hybrid Resistance to Absolute Singularity’

Peacebuilding and communication: ‘We Are Many: Hybrid Resistance to Absolute Singularity’

By Struan Kennedy, History PhD student at Northumbria University in Newcastle. ‘The past and present wilt—I have fill’d them, emptied them, And proceed to fill my next fold of the future… Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)’ — from ‘The Song of Myself’ part 51 by Walt Whitman Of all the different reactions to difference two distinct possibilities emerge like forking paths after encountering the unknown. The first is fascination,...

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